YesSoftware CodeCharge
Frequently Asked Questions

ã YesSoftware, Inc.

2226 A. Westborough Blvd. #405

South San Francisco, CA 94080

Phone (650) 754-9810 • (415) 820-7566





Table of Contents

Access. 3

Dates in Access. 3

ASP. 4

Executing Stored Procedures. 4

ASP Version 2.0 or 3.0. 5

Databases and Database. 6

MySQL database connection. 6

Placing a database in a secure folder6

Using ODBC to configure a database connection to a text or csv file. 7

DBI Modules. 8

Installing MyODBC.. 8

Where to install MyODBC.. 8

Do I need a database to use CodeCharge ?. 10

Errors and troubleshooting. 11

Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. (Microsoft JET Database Engine)11

Operation Must Use an Updateable Query. 11

"80004005 "Couldn't Use '(unknown)'; File Already in Use. 12

Login Errors and Issues - can't Login. 12

PHP error : open(temp\/sess_1de7095ab2e3a5ab132abc…, O_RDWR) failed. 13

Invalid use of Null Code: 94. 13


Displaying HTML content14

Update, Delete Buttons donot appear in a record form.. 14

Norton AntiVirus Problems. 14

Sending Email15

Identity of Logged in User15

Images as Field Captions. 16

Header and Footer Pages. 16

Editing HTML Template files. 16

HTML. 17

Problem with Checkbox Fields. 17

Installation. 19

Internet Activation. 19

Activation Failure. 19

PERL. 20

Global Functions. 20

PHP. 21

PHP password encryption. 21

Product Trial and Purchase. 22

Footer on pages generated using Trial software. 22

Extending the Trial Period. 22

CodeCharge Standard and Professional22

SQL. 24

Inserting data into multiple tables. 24

Searching using 'AND' or 'OR' operators in a search. 24


Dates in Access


Symptoms         I am trying to execute a search on a Date value stored in an Access database but I

                         keep on getting an error message on the SQL query. What am I doing wrong?

Resolution        MS Access requires date values to be enclosed between a pair of hash marks e.g.

                         #06/04/01#. This means that if you are performing a search against a date value in

                         Access, the default SQL which wraps date values between single quotation marks

                         ('06/04/01') will generate an error. To accommodate this nuance, you have to convert

                          regular dates like 06/04/01 to MS Access compatible date format. You can achieve

                         this by addiing the following code to the 'Open' event of the grid form which is going

                         to display the results of the search.


                         sWhere=replace(sWhere, "'" & GetParam("start_date") & "'", "#" &

                         GetParam("start_date") & "#")


                         The replace() function above takes the where clause of the SQL statement and

                         replaces the single quotation marks with hash marks.


Executing Stored Procedures


Symptoms         Does CodeCharge support the execution of database stored procecures?

Resolution        Although CodeCharge does not have native support for stored procedures, you can

                         write code to call and execute stored procedures from events. From the list of

                         available page and form events, select the appropriate one and enter code to call the

                         stored procedure.


                         You can call the stored procedure using the default CodeCharge connection object

                         (cn). However, if you need to get resultsets returned, you need to use a command

                         object as illustrated below:


                         Set cmd = CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")

                         Set rs = CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")

                         Set fldloop = CreateObject ("ADODB.Field")

                         Set param1 = CreateObject ("ADODB.Parameter")

                         Set param2 = CreateObject ("ADODB.Parameter")

                         Set param3 = CreateObject ("ADODB.Parameter")


                         Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cn

                         cmd.CommandText = "sp_CPU_DEL"

                         cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

                         ' Set up a return parameter.

                         Set param1 = cmd.CreateParameter("Return", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)

                         cmd.Parameters.Append param1

                         ' Set up an output parameter.

                         Set param2 = cmd.CreateParameter("ROWS", adInteger, adParamOutput)

                         cmd.Parameters.Append param2

                         ' Set up an input parameter.

                         Set param3 = cmd.CreateParameter("I_CPU_ID", adInteger, adParamInput)

                         cmd.Parameters.Append param3

                         param3.Value = CPU_ID

                         ' Execute command, and loop through recordset.

                         Set rs = cmd.Execute

                         Dim i As Integer

                         While Not rs.EOF

                         For Each fldloop In rs.Fields

                         ' do something with rs.Fields(i)

                         i = i + 1

                         Next fldloop

                         i = 0





ASP Version 2.0 or 3.0


Symptoms         When choosing the language for a project, the ASP options are 'ASP 2.0' and 'ASP

                         2.0 & Template'. Is the code that CodeCharge generated ASP 3.0 complaint?

Resolution        The CodeCharge generated code is both ASP 2.0 and ASP 3.0 complaint.

Databases and Database

MySQL database connection

Summary          How do you connect to a MySQL database ?

Symptoms         What is the procedure of connecting to a MySQL database.

Resolution        You will need to install the MyODBC driver from

                         This is only needed during the design time. The generated programs should be able to

                         connect directly to the database, by its name.


                         Here are the general steps:

                         (Assuming that you already created your MySQL database)

                         1. Download and install MyODBC from

                         2. Setup your ODBC connection in Start -> Control Panel -> ODBC.

                         3. In CodeCharge, click on Properties -> Database, and on the Yellow icon that

                         opens OLE Database Providers. Select ODBC and then your ODBC connection



                         Until now you should be setup enough to use CodeCharge and access the

                         database during the design time.


                         5. You need to add Database Name, Login, Password and specify the Database

                         Type (MySQL) before generating the programs.

                         CodeCharge will generate PHPLib, which is the standard library used for direct

                         database access in PHP programs.



Placing a database in a secure folder

Summary          Placing a database in a folder other than that in which the webpages reside.

Symptoms         When using Access with a OLEDB 4.0 connection to the database, you have the

                         option of copying the database to the server. When you copy the database to the

                         server, the database is placed in the same folder as the web pages and a connection

                         string is created to point to this location.


                         However, in the interest of security, you might want to change the location of the

                         database to a folder which is more secure. 

Resolution        When publishing a project that uses the 'Microsoft JET OLEDB 4.0 Provider', you

                         can specify a 'Custom Connection String' to be used in the server. The 'Custom

                         Connection String' is similar to the 'Design Connection String' that is used within

                         CodeCharge except that it specifies an alternate location for the database when the

                         pages are generated to the server.   For instance if the 'Design Connection String' is: 



                         Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data         Source=E:\CodeCharge\Projects\myProject\MyDatabase.mdb;Persist Security                         Info=False 


                         and assuming that your pages are placed in a server folder with the path:




                         and you want to have them connect to a database located in:




                         you would use the connection string: 


                         Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data

                         Source=C:\Inetpub\Databases\MyDatabase.mdb;Persist Security Info=False 


Using ODBC to configure a database connection to a text or csv file

Summary          Using ODBC to configure a database connection to a text or csv file

Symptoms         Rather than use traditional databases, you might want to use a flatfile database such

                         as a text file containing comma, tab or otherwise delimited values.

Resolution        To begin with, create a Text ODBC datasource name (DSN) on the windows

                         machine do the following:


                         1. In Control Panels, open the 'Data Sources (ODBC)' option.

                         2. Click on the 'System DSN' tab.

                         3. Click on the 'Add' button.

                         4. From the list, select the 'Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)' then click finish.

                         5. In the 'Data Source Name' field, enter a name for your DSN such as 'myDSN'

                         6. Optionally enter a description for the DSN.

                         7. De-Select the 'Use Current Directory' checkbox if it is checked.

                         8. Click on the 'Select Directory' button and navigate to the directory where your .csv

                          file is located and click 'Ok'.

                         9. Click 'Ok' to close the ODBC window.


                         With your ODBC DSN created, you are now ready to connect to it from within



                         1. In the Site-->Properties-->Database tab, click on the yellow Icon.

                         2. In the 'Provider' tab, select 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers'

                         3. In the 'Connection' tab, use the 'Use data source name' listbox to select the DSN

                         you created above (MyDSN).

                         4. Click on the 'Test Connection' button to ensure that the connection is working.

                         5. Click 'Ok' to close the window.


                         With this done, you can now go ahead and create pages using the data in the .csv file.



DBI Modules


Symptoms         How do I connect to a databse using the PERL language

Resolution        To connect to a database using PERL, you need to download and install the

                         necessary DBI modules. Refer to the following locations for the modules:





Installing MyODBC


Symptoms         Help! How do I install MyODBC to connect to a MySQL server

Resolution        Refer to the tutorials located at for

                         comprehensive instructions on how to install and configure MyODBC.


Where to install MyODBC


Symptoms         I am using a MySQL database that is located on a remote  ISP's machine or a

                         machine that I don't have direct access to. I understand that I have to install and

                         configure MyODBC so as to enable CodeCharge to connect to the MySQL

                         database. Do I have to install MyODBC on the remote server?

Resolution        You don't need to install MyODBC on the remote server so be able to connect to the

                         database using MyODBC. MyODBC is required to be installed only on the local 

                         machine where CodeCharge is located. Once you install MyODBC, you can use it to

                         configure a ODBC data source name (DSN) which will link to the MySQL database

                         on the remote server and allow CodeCharge to interact with the database.


Do I need a database to use CodeCharge ?

Summary          Do I need a database to use CodeCharge ?

Symptoms         Is it possible to create a CodeCharge Project without using a database?

Resolution        The main purpose of CodeCharge is to allow you to create dynamic database driven

                         websites. You therefore need to have a database to connect to the project so as to

                         achieve this goal. CodeCharge does not create the database so you will have to

                         create this yourself.  Theoretically, you can create a project without a database but

                         there is little reason why you would want to do so. CodeCharge will generate error

                         messages when you try to generate a project that is not connected to a database but

                         you can choose to ignore this message.

Errors and troubleshooting

Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. (Microsoft JET Database Engine)

Summary          Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. (Microsoft JET Database Engine)

Symptoms         When inserting a new record on the page, the following error occurs: Syntax error in

                         INSERT INTO statement. (Microsoft JET Database Engine).

                         This error may occur when:

                         1. A database table name has a space ( ) in it, for example ""Job Quotes"".

                         2. A database table or field is named using a reserved keyword in Visual Basic /

                         ASP, for example ""user"", ""password"", ""month"", ""date"", etc.

Resolution        Change your database table or field name by renaming it to a non-conflicting name,

                         for example rename "Job Quotes" to "Job_Quotes" or rename "month" to "tblmonth"


Operation Must Use an Updateable Query

Summary          ASP Returns Error "Operation Must Use an Updateable Query"

Symptoms         When you try to add a new record or update an existing record, you get the Error

                         "message Operation Must Use an Updateable Query".

Resolution        The error you are getting indicates that the database access permissions are not set

                         correctly. For starters, if you are using Windows NT or 2000, please set the security

                         on the .mdb file and its parent directory to "full-access". If you use Windows

                         95/98/Me, right-click on the .mdb file and make sure that "read-only" is unchecked,

                         then do the same on the directory where your .mdb file is located. Also, note the


                         1) This error may occur if the account being used by Internet Information Server

                         (IIS), (usually IUSR), does not have the correct Windows NT permissions for a

                         file-based database or for the folder containing the file.


                         2) Use the Windows NT File Monitor to check for file access failures. Windows NT

                         File Monitor is available from the following Web site: <>.



                         3) If you use a network path to the database (UNC or mapped drive), check the

                         permissions on the share, the file, and the folder.


                         4) Check to make sure that the file and the data source name (DSN) are not marked

                         as Exclusive.


                         5) Make sure no other process uses this mdb file.


                         6) This error may also occur when accessing a local Microsoft Access database

                         linked to a table where the table is in an Access database on a network server. In this

                          situation, please refer to the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for a


                         This error is attributed to the design of Microsoft products and you can read more

                         about it at:




"80004005 "Couldn't Use '(unknown)'; File Already in Use

Summary          Error: "80004005 "Couldn't Use '(unknown)'; File Already in Use"

Symptoms         When you try running an ASP project, you get the error message: "80004005

                         "Couldn't Use '(unknown)'; File Already in Use".

Resolution        This is a Windows NT permissions problem. The account that is accessing the page

                         doesn't have sufficient permissions to lock the database. The account would be either

                          the anonymous account (by default the IUSR_<machinename>) or a specific user

                         account if the page has been secured for authenticated access.


                         For further details about this error, please refer to the following Microsoft knowledge

                         base article



Login Errors and Issues - can't Login

Summary          If you create a login page and try to login, the page returns you to the logout button

                         instead of the required next page.

Symptoms         Login problems usually result from one of the following:

                         1.  The user_id in your user table is not a numeric or autoincrement field

                         2.  Wrong fields are assigned in the security section of CodeCharge.

                         3.  You used a reserved keyword when naming your database table or field, for


Resolution        1. Verify that the key field in your user table is a autoincrement, numeric field

                         2. Verify that in Site Properties, Security tab, you select the key field in your user

                         table as the Primary Key. You should select a numeric, autoincrement field as

                         Primary Key and alphanumeric/text fields for login and password.

                         3. Do not use reserved words like user, password, month, date, etc. when naming

                         your fields or tables. These words are reserved keywords in Visual Basic & ASP,

                         and should not be used in database naming.


PHP error : open(temp\/sess_1de7095ab2e3a5ab132abc…, O_RDWR) failed

Summary          When you try to view a php page, you get the error :

                         "open(temp\/sess_1de7095ab2e3a5ab132abc64c6fccc1b, O_RDWR) failed".

Symptoms         This means that PHP tried to store session information in a directory that does not


Resolution        To rectify the problem, you need to set the value of the session_save_path argument

                         in the php.ini file to a valid directory. The php.ini file is usually located in your

                         machines system folder or  the folder in which php is installed. Open this file and set

                         its value to something like:


                         session_save_path = c:/windows/temp





Invalid use of Null Code: 94

Summary          Error: Invalid use of Null Code: 94

Symptoms         You get the error message "Invalid use of Null Code: 94" when you try to generate

                         pages in CodeCharge

Resolution        to overcome this problem,try the following solutions:

                         1. Upgrade Microsoft Internet Explorer to verion 5.5+

                         2. Install the latest version of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC 2.6)



Displaying HTML content


Symptoms         My database contains a field which holds raw HTML content. How do I display this

                         content using CodeCharge?

Resolution        You can use a field of type Label or URL to output raw HTML. To specify the field

                         as containing raw HTML, open the field's property window and select the 'HTML'



Update, Delete Buttons donot appear in a record form

Summary          Update, Delete Buttons donot appear in a record form even though you have

                         specified that they should be included.

Symptoms         You have a record form for which you have specified that all the buttons should be

                         included [Insert, Update, Delete, Cancel]. However, when you generate the form and

                          view it, only the 'Insert' and 'Cancel' buttons show.

Resolution        The buttons in a 'Record' form are set to appear selectively. By this, the 'Update',

                         'Delete' and 'Cancel' buttons will only appear if there is some data in the form fields.

                         This is to say that if you retrieve information from a database or pass the information

                         to the form using a different method, then the three buttons mentioned above will be

                         visible. If you think about it, this is logical since it would be moot to have the 'Update'

                         and 'Delete' buttons and yet not have any data to manipulate. Conversely, if the fields

                          in your 'Record' form have no data, then only the 'Insert' and 'Cancel' buttons are



                         Note that you can still override this behavior by writing your own 'Custom Show'

                         event for the form.



Norton AntiVirus Problems

Summary          Norton AntiVirus prevents CodeCharge and/or ASP programs from running

Symptoms         When you run CodeCharge, Norton AntiVirus displays the folowing message:




                         File: Program

                         Object: FileSystemObject (FileSystem Object)

                         Activity: OpenTextFile



                         1) Stop this script (recommended)

Resolution        2) Allow this activity once         CodeCharge makes extensive use of JavaScripts, which Norton AntiVirus detects

                         3) Allow the entire script once   and prevents from running.




Sending Email

Summary          Sending Email

Symptoms         How do you send email using the contents of a form and/or database.

Resolution        Email sending functionality is dependent on the language you are using as well as the

                         database server that you use to server your pages. The TellAFriend example

                         application which comes bundled with CodeCharge contain code which demonstrates

                         how to implement email functionality. Refer to the Readme.txt file in the example

                         folder for a listing of code in ASP, Cold  Fusion, JSP, Perl and PHP.


Identity of Logged in User


Symptoms         How can I capture the identity of the currently logged in user?

Resolution        Under the inbuilt CodeCharge login / authentication system, when a user successfully

                         logs in to your website, a session variable called "UserID" is set which contains the

                         primary key value that uniquely identifies the user. Later on in the website, you can

                         capture this session variable if you need to know further details about the user or use

                         the value in a another form.


                         To capture the "UserID" session variable, add an input parameter to the form in

                         question and make sure that the variable name is 'UserID'. If you are using a case

                         sensitive language such as PHP, make sure that the name appears exactly as shown.

                         For the Type of the input parameter, select 'Session' as opposed to "Param" so that

                         CodeCharge knows that it is dealing with a session variable and not a form or URL

                         variable which would be dealt with differently.

Images as Field Captions


Symptoms         Can I use images as field captions?

Resolution        Normally, the caption of a form field contains text which describes the use of the

                         field. However, you can enter HTML code into the 'Caption' of a field. For instance,

                         if you want an image to be displayed instead of plain text, you can enter HTML code

                         like that shown below into the field caption:

                         <img src = './images/my_image.jpg'>


Header and Footer Pages


Symptoms         What are the Header and Footer page for.

Resolution        When you add a page to your project and designate it as a Header or a Footer page,

                         the content of that page will appear at the top or bottom of every other page in you

                         project respectively. The Header and Footer page are usually used to add

                         navigational content that applies to the entire site.


                         A thing to note about Header and Footer pages is that you can't add any event code

                         to these pages.


Editing HTML Template files


Symptoms         Can I edit the generated html templates to change the look of the page?

Resolution        If your language of choice generates HTML template files, you can import this into a

                         HTML editor and edit them to suit your needs. However, in the process of editing the

                          HTML templates, be careful not to change any of the text that is enclosed is curly

                         braces {Example}. This text acts a a placeholder to mark where dynamic content will

                          be included. After the script files retrieve data from the database, they use these

                         placeholders to place the retrieved data in its appropriate location.


                         When you open HTML files in some editors (Microsoft Frontpage Express for

                         example), the editor strips the file of the unknown tag. This will potentially make the

                         file unusable so such editors should be avoided.


Problem with Checkbox Fields

Summary          Checkbox fields don't pass the values that you have assigned them to pass.

Symptoms         When you add a checkbox field to a form in CodeCharge, you have the option of

                         specifying the value that will be passed when the checkbox is checked and another to

                          be passed when it is not checked. For instance, you could have '1' for the checked

                         state and '0' for te unchecked state.


                         However, a problem arises such that when you submit the form, the necessary value

                         is not submitted to the database in which case the field remains empty or generates a

                         database error. In like manner, if the form submission fails (perhaps the user failed to

                         enter a require field) then the value of the checkbox is not set to whatever it was

                         prior to the form submission.

Resolution        This issue is due to the design of HTML. When a checkbox is checked, HTML

                         always submits the value of the form as 'on' and conversely, the value is submitted as

                          'off' if the checkbox is not checked. The easiest way to accomodate this nuance is to

                          set the corresponding values in CodeCharge to 'on' and 'off' and similarly use these

                         values in the database.


                         However, if you have to use other values such as 'yes'/'no' or '1'/'0', you can add

                         custom code to catpure the value of the checkbox and convert it to your desired



                         For instance, if in CodeCharge and the underlying database you have specified the

                         value of the checkbox to be '1' and '0' for the checked and unchecked states

                         respectively, then you can use the following code to correctly set the value of the

                         checkbox when the record is displayed on the screen:


                         'ASP Code

                         'Before show event of a grid form

                         if fldmycheckbox = 1 then

                         fldmycheckbox = "on"


                         fldmycheckbox = 'off"

                         end if


                         Similarly, if you are using a checkbox in a record form to insert new records, you

                         could use the following code in the 'Before Insert' events to change the value of the

                         checkbox to what the database requires, in this case '1' and '0'.


                         'ASP Code

                         'Before Insert event of a record form

                         if fldmycheckbox = "on" then

                         fldmycheckbox = 1


                         fldmycheckbox = 0

                         end if


                         Another work around which is perhaps easier to implement and more hustle free is to

                          use a listbox instead of a checkbox. You can set the values of the listbox options to

                         whatever you want them to be and they will be read and submitted without any



Internet Activation

Summary          Unable to activate CodeCharge over the internet.

Symptoms         The machine on which I have installed CodeCharge is not connected to the internet

                         and I need to activate the Software using my valid serial number.

Resolution        To activate CodeCharge, you usually enter the serial number in the Activation Screen

                          and the software will obtain an activation key over the internet. However, if your

                         machine is not connected to the internet, you can obtain an activation key from




Activation Failure

Summary          Unable to activate CodeCharge with a valid serial number.

Symptoms         I have a valid serial number but when I try to activate the software, it says that I

                         have exceeded my activation limit.

Resolution        When you enter a serial number into CodeCharge, the software connects to the

                         internet and obtains an activation key.


                         The Following are the rules that govern the activation of CodeCharge:

                         1. When you buy CodeCharge, you are allowed to install it on two different machines.


                         2. In the event that your system crashes, is formatted or you acquire a new machine,

                         you can activate CodeCharge past the 2 initial activations. Our license monitoring

                         system keeps tab of how many times a serial number has been used to activate

                         CodeCharge. Any activations required after the initial activations will be dealt with on

                          a case by case basis. Please contact support at is

                         case you have problems activating your software.

                         3. Note that once you install CodeCharge on a machine, you can uninstall then

                         re-install it countless times without needing a new activation key. The only time you

                         need an activation key is when you have formatted your harddrive, installed a new

                         harddrive or want to install on a new machine in which you have never installed

                         CodeCharge before.


                         For further information to do with licensing and activation, please refer to the license

                         agreement. This is in the license.txt file in the CodeCharge folder.


Global Functions


Symptoms         I have added a global function to the Modules section of my project. However, when

                         I attempt to use the function I get an error indicating that the subroutine is undefined.

                         What is the matter?

Resolution        In the Perl language, when you add a global function, you have to call it using the

                         syntax Common::FunctionName


PHP password encryption

Summary          Encrypting passwords in PHP

Symptoms         The built in CodeCharge authentication system does not encrypt any data before

                         storing it in the database. For added security, you might want to encrypt user

                         passwords before storing then in the database.

Resolution        To encrypt passwords before they are inserted into the database, use a 'Before

                         Insert' event to encrypt the data. i.e:


                         //Encrypt values stored in the password field

                         $fldPassword = md5($fldPassword);


                         Note that the PHP encrypt functions generates a one-way hash and hence cannot be

                         decrypted. This means that when a user enters their saved password for

                         authentication, you will have to use a 'custom login' event to convert their entered

                         password into an encrypted hash and then check it against the database value. i.e


                         //custom login code

                         $sLogin = get_param("Login");

                         $sPassword = md5(get_param("Password"));

                         $db->query("SELECT member_id,member_level FROM members WHERE

                         member_login =" . tosql($sLogin, "Text") . " AND member_password=" .

                         tosql($sPassword, "Text"));




                         // Login and password passed

                         set_session("UserID", $db->f("member_id"));

                         set_session("UserRights", $db->f("member_level"));

                         $sPage = get_param("ret_page");

                         if (strlen($sPage))

                         header("Location: " . $sPage);


                         header("Location: myRecipientPage.php");




                         $sLoginErr = "Login or Password is incorrect.";


                         $tpl->parse("FormLogin", false);


                         where 'myRecipientPage.php' should be replaced with the page where the user

                         should be directed to after logging in and 'FormLogin' should be replaced with the

                         name you assigned to the Login form. i.e. if your login form is called 'MyLogin' then

                         'FormLogin' would change to 'FormMyLogin'

Product Trial and Purchase

Footer on pages generated using Trial software

Summary          All the pages created using the trial version of CodeCharge have a footer "This

                         dynamic site was generated with CodeCharge"

Symptoms         All the pages created using the trial version of CodeCharge have a footer "This

                         dynamic site was generated with CodeCharge" which appears at the bottom of the

                         page with a link to the CodeCharge website.

Resolution        Once you enter a valid serial number and activate CodeCharge, then the footer will

                         no longer appear in the generated pages.




Extending the Trial Period

Summary          Extending the Trial Period

Symptoms         My 20 day CodeCharge trial period has expired and i have not yet finished evaluating

                         the software. Could you please extend the trial period for me?

Resolution        Once the trial period has expired, there is no way of extending the trial period save

                         for installing a valid serial number. If you have another machine available, you could

                         install the software on it and have another 2o day trial period.



CodeCharge Standard and Professional

Summary          What is the difference between CodeCharge Standard and Professional Versions?

Symptoms         Currently, there is no difference in the functinality of the software, only in the support,

                          upgrade plans and examples.

                         The Professional version includes:

                         - 1 year priority support

                         - 2 years of free software upgrades, including the future professional version(s).

                         - CodeCharge project file (.ccs) for this Support System


                         In several months we will be also releasing version 2.0 of CodeCharge, where

                         Professional version may include more features and it will cost more, unless you

                         purchase the upgrade plan we now offer.

Resolution        Currently, there is no difference in the functionality of the software, only in the

                         support, upgrade plans and examples.

                         The Professional version includes:

                         - 1 year priority support

                         - 2 years of free software upgrades, including the future professional version(s).

                         - CodeCharge project file (.ccs) for this Support System

                         In several months we will be also releasing version 2.0 of CodeCharge the

                         Professional version of which may include more features and cost more unless you          purchase the upgrade plan we now offer.


Inserting data into multiple tables

Summary          You want your record form to insert data into more that one table.

Symptoms         Be default, when you add or edit data using a record form, only the table which is

                         selected in the 'Table' field of the form is affected. However, there arises situations

                         whereby you want the change to be propagated to other database tables.

Resolution        You can use custom event code to capture and add data to other tables.  You would

                         place the code in an event such as 'After Insert' as follows:


                         ASP Code:

                         //Create the SQL statement

                         sSQL = "insert into users (name,password)values (" .tosql(fldname1, "Text") . "," .

                         tosql(fldname2, "Text") . ")";


                         //Execute the SQL statement




                         PHP Code:

                         //Create the SQL statement

                         $sSQL = "insert into users (name,password)values (" .tosql($fldname1, "Text") . "," .

                         tosql($fldname2, "Text") . ")";


                         //Execute the SQL statement




Searching using 'AND' or 'OR' operators in a search


Symptoms         By default, when you conduct a search in a page built using CodeCharge, the SQL

                         that us used to search for the records uses the 'AND' operator when multiple search

                         fields exist. For instance, if you are search by 'Name', 'Age' and 'ZipCode', the where

                          clause of the SQL statement will appear like this to the database:


                         where Name = 'Julie' AND Age = 24 AND ZipCode = 34298


                         The main thing to note is that the 'AND' operator is used throughout the where

                         clause. However, at times you might want to search using the 'OR' operator or a

                         combination of 'AND' and 'OR' operators.

Resolution        If you simply want to replace all the 'AND' operators with the 'OR' operators, you

                         can place the following code in the open event of the form which is to display the


                         sWhere = replace (sWhere, "and", "or")


                         If you want to use a mixture of 'AND' and 'OR' operators you could:


                         1. re-write the sWhere variable in its entirety.

                         2. use the reaplce() function in conjuction with other string manipulating functions to

                         locate and replace specific occurences of the operators.